Keep up to date with the latest news and contributions from Forum members and guests!
The Forum is made up of a wide range of people with different impairments and experiences and we want our blog to reflect that. As such, you might hear from someone with a visual impairment in one post and someone with epilepsy in another.
If you have an idea for a blog post, get in touch! See our blog submission guidelines for more information.
Don’t forget to check out our “Subgroups” tab to see what our subgroups are doing.
Being disabled, the cost of living and food
We’re sure you’re all concerned about the increasing cost of living and one of the areas where this is going to hit hard is around food. Eating well is so important to health and quality of life and…
York Disability Week Returns for a 6th Year!
Now in its 6th year, York Disability Week (26th Nov to 3rd Dec), which includes UN International Day of Disabled People on 3rd December, offers something for all. Almost all events are free to attend and there’s a…
Reverse the Ban: Latest News
If you’ve been paying attention to local news, you’ll know that Reverse the Ban (a coalition of charities, associations, action groups and other organisations who aim to reverse the ban on blue badge holders’ access to York’s pedestrian…
The Silent Side of Disability Hate
Listen to our Disability Hate Podcast where we talk to Jennie. She’s kindly written a blog post for us as well. What a complicated thing disability hate is to define or understand. Why would one human being hate…
What you told us about your bus experiences
We recently asked our members and social media followers about their experiences with buses in York. Thank you to everyone who shared their experiences. In summary, you told us of multiple occasions on different buses where wheelchair users…
About Disability Hate Podcast: Episode 1
At YDRF we have launched a new podcast to raise awareness of disabled people’s lived experience of disability hate. In the first episode, recorded in May 2022, Olivia sits down with Flick, a disability rights activist, to discuss…
Disabled People Delivering Awesome TED Talks!
Disabled people have lots to say and we’ve just picked out a few of the incredible TED talks out there. Let us know your favourite disability TED talk in the comments!
Quiet Pride!
Are you LGBTQ+ and disabled? Let us tell you about Quiet Pride! Pride is great, but it can be very overwhelming, and by its nature can’t be fully accessible. So, we’ve been plotting with Portal Bookshop to put…
June Social!
We want to meet you! As a result of covid, and us setting up in covid, we’ve only managed to meet a few of you in person. We’ve met most of you online and as the temperature (maybe)…
Reacting to self harm
A tweet recently asked what one thing people would like to change about the way society reacts to and perceives self harm. The answers to this question were mainly related to the medical profession and the treatment of…
The Advantages of Motor Vehicles for Disabled People (or why taking away our parking in city centres is disabling)
Thanks York Accessibility Action for this important post about why disabled people may need their vehicle, and how taking away parking is disabling us. Please note, you can download a longer version of this post. This post will…
Daily living, work and the power of reasonable adjustments
We recently published part 1 – But you don’t look disabled – where Lauren introduced herself and talked about not looking disabled. Now, in this blog, she’s focusing on work and daily living. Daily life isn’t that easy….
“But you don’t look disabled…”
We’ve been talking to York Ending Stigma recently about their work and also what it’s like to have a physical impairment and poor mental health. Lauren, one of York Ending Stigma’s champions, has kindly written about this, and…
BAME? Disabled? Fancy getting creative this summer?
We are very excited to tell you about York Anti Racist Collective’s (YARC) Art Liberation Program, especially as they’re committed to making the workshops inclusive of disabled people! York Anti Racist Collective Art Liberation Program Starting Summer 2022,…
Attitudes and assumptions about disability
There are a lot of negative assumptions in our society which are damanging to disabled people. Obviously these more negative assumptions affect people’s attitudes towards disabled people. But it has wider impacts on our lives; if you underestimate…
Feeding Tube Awareness Week Q & A with Helen
Feeding Tube Awareness Week 2022 runs from 7th till 11th February and is, as the name suggests, a chance to increase awareness around feeding tubes! Helen from the Steering Group has had her feeding tube for a few…
‘Am I Disabled Enough?’ Imposter Syndrome and Invisible Disability
Hazel writes about experiencing feelings of ‘not being disabled enough’ and the effect this has on disability identity. When growing up I essentially learnt that “disabled” only really meant physical things, in fact mainly visible ones. Disability was…
Taxis in York
We were recently asked how taxis in York work, or don’t work, for the disability community. This is what you told us. Primarily wheelchair users responded to us so the comments mainly reflect that experience. We are anecdotely…
City of York Council Executive Meeting – 13th January
On 13th January, Executive (made up of some councillors from York Greens and York Lib Dems) were asked to consider the location of barriers around the footstreets, to approve a increased budget to implement the scheme and to…
Get involved!
Our annual survey highlighted three key areas for us to work on; health and care, physical accessibility and attitudes and awareness. Further discussion has helped us get a bit more detail about those areas. We’re holding a couple of…
Meet: York Accessibility Action
York Accessibility Action tell us who they are and what they’ve been up to: “In the summer of 2020, City of York Council closed various streets that Blue Badge holders were previously permitted to access, including Goodramgate and…
A cashless society – good for everyone?
Helen has been looking into the rise in cashless shops and venues and how they might affected disabled people. With Covid came a reluctance to handle cash. From a risk management perspective it made sense to ask people…
AccessAble and City of York Council
AccessAble helps disabled people to find accessible venues and are here to tell us a bit about their work with City of York Council. In November 2020, when City of York Council renewed their partnership with AccessAble, they…
What do disabled people want in York
Last night, we held a meeting to talk about what you want us to work on in the coming year. Our annual survey helped us establish three priorities: Health and CareAttitudes and AwarenessPhysical Accessibility The discussion doesn’t stop…
York permanently excludes Blue Badge holders, devastating lives
Last night in York, the lives of many Blue Badge holders were changed forever. A devastating vote from Exec means the permanent exclusion of Blue Badge holders from the footstreets area. If you haven’t been following, catch up…
Martin Higgitt report about city centre access
Helen has been reading a lot of reports about the footstreets and she wanted to tell us about one in particular, the Martin Higgitt Associates report which includes some sensible ways forward and some interesting data. We read…
Dear Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Are You Working For Us Too? November Edition!
The North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner elected in May 2021 resigned on 14 October 2021. On Thursday 25 November you can vote for the next Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for North Yorkshire. As we did…
Footstreets Update
Yesterday night, there was a meeting that lasted over 4 1/2 hours. It was considering additional information which had been requested at the meetings on 25th October. Once the information had been considered, the councillors were asked to…
In With The Bins!
Today’s guest blog post comes from the In With The Bins campaign and talks about the need for sanitary bins in men’s toilets. Note: Cis is short for cisgender which describes a person whose gender identity is the…
Wanting less traffic doesn’t mean wanting no Blue Badge holders
Jamie has kindly written a guest blog for us, talking about the footstreets issue specifically around a Freedom of Information request he made. You have the right to ask to see recorded information held by public authorities and…
Dyslexia Awareness is more than just a week in October
Dyslexia Awareness Week was held at the start of October but as anyone with dyslexia knows, it’s about much more than one week a year! My name is Lydia and I was diagnosed with dyslexia and irlens syndrome…
York Footstreets Update
The footstreets issue continues to be an important issue for many disabled people and Blue Badge holders. We mention both groups as we know not everyone who is disabled has a Blue Badge, and not everyone who has…
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