Autism and ADHD Assessment Access

Since Monday 27th March 2023, a pilot has been in place in York and North Yorkshire which has meant that adults who approach their GP seeking an autism and/or ADHD diagnosis are refused access to assessment unless they meet specific criteria.

If they do not meet these criteria, they are instead directed to an online self-report questionnaire called the Do It Profiler. Individuals have been told to fill this in themselves. The Do It Profiler is not a diagnostic tool and provides neither sufficient evidence for disability benefits nor access to medication in the case of ADHD.

The YDRF are speaking out about this plan of action which will deprive people of their access to assessment and diagnosis.

Am I on a waiting list?

We’ve put together a flow chart to help you to understand which waiting list you are on, and what that means.

What has been happening and when?

Have a look at the timeline to see the key events since March 2023 when the pilot was announced.

What can I do?

You can write to your MP, contribute to the Crowdjustice fund

We’ve been in the press

We’ve talked to the media and gained press attention for the situation

Your voices

Drop-in sessions

We held drop-in sessions with Healthwatch York about the autism and ADHD pathway. We’ve also received email, voicemail and in-person feedback alongside our online Google form.

Tell the Integrated Care Board (ICB)

Before we started meeting with the ICB, we have been gathering the voices of those affected by the pilot.


We have been meeting with the ICB and other groups to amplify your voices.

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