A manual wheelchair is on the road, someone is self propelling but we only see their arms

About the Forum

York Disability Rights Forum is led by disabled people and works to promote equal access to human rights for all those with disabilities who live or work in York.

The Forum aims to be a collective voice, to raise awareness of issues affecting disabled people in York and create positive changes.

Why a York Disability Rights Forum?

When York Independent Living Network began winding down in December 2019, arrangements were made with York: Human Rights City Network to set up a human rights forum of disabled people and their allies.

“We believe that we need to bring together a wide and diverse group of disabled people, draw on human rights thinking and take action to achieve greater inclusion.”

York Independent Living Network

Who is the Forum for?

York Disability Rights Forum is open to people over the age of 18 who live, work, or study in York and identify as disabled. We also welcome allies to work with us.

Note: York Disability Rights Forum is not a party political group and we do not have any affiliation with any political party.

What does the Forum do?

In general, it’s important to us that we:

  • Are disabled people-led, activist, accessible and inclusive.
  • Are underpinned by the Social Model of Disability.
  • Uphold a human rights-based approach.
  • Provide a space for disabled people and their allies to come together, both face-to-face and through other routes.
  • Decide what issues are a priority locally and what actions can be taken collectively.

Sign up as a member or ally to receive our newsletter or follow us on social media to be kept up to date!

We regularly ask for feedback from our members and allies through our newsletter and at our Annual General Meeting – so make sure you sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date!

2020-2021 Annual Review

What is the Social Model of Disability?

The Forum operates using the Social Model of Disability – this recognises that people are disabled by the way that society is organised, and seeks to remove barriers to inclusion.

Video explaining the Social Model of Disability

How can I join?

There are different ways of joining the Forum so you can choose the level of involvement you want to have.

How can we work together?

Are you part of a local disability organisation? Do you want to work with the Forum? Get in touch and we’ll have a chat about how we can support each other.

Are you a local business? Want to ask York’s disabled community how to make your products and services more disability friendly? We’ll help you reach out. Get in touch!

Sign up to become a member or ally with the Forum

Member: York Disability Rights Forum is open to people over the age of 18 who live, work, or study in York and identify as disabled or as having a disability*.

*Please note, YDRF includes autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergence in our definition of disability, as the neurotypical society we live in is disabling for neurodivergent folks. There are of course other impairments as well, and we do not require ‘proof’ to become a member of YDRF.

Ally: You can also choose to join the Forum as an ally if you would like to be involved but don’t identify as disabled or as having a disability.


* indicates required
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