Who’s in the group?
Currently Tash and Helen are the Steering Group representatives on this subgroup. We won’t be including information about subgroup members without their explicit consent due to the nature of the group.
Group guidelines – a work in process
- What you talk about stays here
- Don’t assume people are out outside of this space
- Respect pronouns
- We will all have different experiences and needs, sometimes these may be in conflict
- If on zoom, can we mute ourselves when not talking?
- If in person, if you feel comfortable, please raise your hand to talk
- Notice if you’re interrupting and as a group let’s try and make sure everyone gets their chance to speak
- Respect each other
- Explain jargon or acronyms
What are we doing?
One of our annual events is Quiet Pride, an alternative Pride event which aims to be a quieter, more accessible space than most Pride events.
As a new subgroup, we are currently discussing what we want to focus on, but given the intersection between disabled people and LGBTQ+ people, we know there is a need – the list of things we could work on is incredibly long!
Join us!
- Do you want to do activism with and for queer disabled people in york?
- For example, this could be helping run Quiet Pride, developing educational materials for health/social care workers about working with queer disabled people or helping LGBTQ groups understand the importance of access and ableism.
- Help with facilitating regular accessible meet ups
- Opportunities for public speaking about the intersection between queer and disabled people
- Promote mutual aid and community
If you’re interested in joining the subgroup, join YDRF either as a full member or an ally, and then email us using the subject line “LGBT+ Subgroup.”