disability rights

A Blue Badge clock dial

Wanting less traffic doesn’t mean wanting no Blue Badge holders

Jamie has kindly written a guest blog for us, talking about the footstreets issue specifically around a Freedom of Information request he made. You have the right to ask to see recorded information held by public authorities and can ask to see this under the Freedom of Information Act. TLDR: Jamie talks about the information

Wanting less traffic doesn’t mean wanting no Blue Badge holders Read More »

A sign painted on a concrete wall reads 'everyone is welcome'

Upcoming Events!

There’s some exciting things coming up! Book through the eventbrite links, or email hello@ydrf.org.uk. York Disability Week is 27th November to 4th December and the programme will be out soon so keep your eyes open for that! How is the UK meeting its obligations to disabled people? 18th November, 1pm-3pm, online This workshop will give

Upcoming Events! Read More »