YDRF has launched a crowdfunder to fund legal advice
YDRF have secured legal representation in response to the ICB extending the pilot (which is denying adults assessments for autism and ADHD) for 9 more months until March 2024.
If you’ve missed the story until now, you can catch up on our dedicated webpage.
The decision to extend, like all decisions up to this point, has been made without the community, behind closed doors. The statement released by the ICB on Friday 14th July (17 days after the pilot was due to end) was not shared or publicised and leaves many questions unanswered.
Who approved the decision, when and where? What are the new criteria? What is a ‘triage waiting list’, how will that be managed, and by whom? Where are the risk assessment and equality impact assessment? Why were the community not involved in these decisions?
We’re seeking legal support as a last resort; we don’t take this action lightly. NHS leaders have ignored or dismissed our every attempt to communicate with them to highlight the community’s concerns relating to the decisions they have made. We feel we have no other option.
Denying people access to appropriate assessment and treatment is not acceptable. We will continue to champion the voices of the neurodivergent community and will not give up on them. Assessment is a right, not a luxury.
What can you do?
Visit our CrowdJustice fundraising page and donate!
Show your support for our #AccessDeniedND campaign by sharing a post with the CrowdJustice link on social media. You can use our pre-prepared templates on Dropbox.