Take Action on Vehicles Parking Across Dropped Kerbs in York

When you rely on dropped kerbs to get around in York it can be so frustrating and even dangerous when your route is blocked by a vehicle parked across them. Thanks to some detective work by ‘Our Helen’ and Micklegate Ward councillors, we’re happy to bring you a hotline number to call and report these vehicles.

When you find a dropped kerb blocked by a vehicle call 0800 138 1119.

Call the council’s hotline on 0800 138 1119 to report the vehicle to City of York Council. The Civil Enforcement Officers will respond and are able to issue tickets.

We know this won’t help you right then and there, but the hope is that the more people who report it, the more people get tickets, then slowly behaviour will start to change.

Why are dropped kerbs so important?

If someone doesn’t rely on dropped kerbs, they might not realise why it’s so important to keep them clear. We hope to be able to raise awareness of this issue in York.

For many people, dropped kerbs are key to ensuring that they can go where they need or want to, and do so safely. Dropped kerbs are important to pedestrians who are:

  • wheelchair users – it’s often not possible to go up or down a full kerb when using a wheelchair, particularly a power chair, so crossing a road relies on finding a dropped kerb
  • visually impaired – dropped kerbs can indicate a safe crossing point, particularly where a dropped kerb includes tactile paving
  • pushing a pram – it’s not safe or easy to tip up a pram to get up and down full-height kerbs; this may be a real problem if there are shopping bags hanging off the handles
  • mobility aid users – it can be very difficult for people who are unsteady on their feet to have to stop and lift their frame or walker, for example, up and down a full height kerb

Dropped kerbs can mean safety and independence for many people. Even though this may not be obvious to people who haven’t experienced these kinds of difficulties, awareness of the issue can make a huge difference.

So please, let everyone know to keep those dropped kerbs clear!

What are your experiences of dropped kerbs in York? Let us know in the comments.

1 thought on “Take Action on Vehicles Parking Across Dropped Kerbs in York”

  1. Pingback: Dropped kerb policy consultation – York Disability Rights Forum

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